Facebook Nearby Is Now Facebook “Local Search”

Goodbye Facebook Nearby, hello Facebook Local Search.�InsideFacebook�points out�that�the company has renamed its mobile app feature “Nearby” as Facebook “local search.” �Until late last year, Nearby was a friend-finder tool. Then it became a way to find local business recommendations.

But, many users are undoubtedly still unaware of the change in functionality. The name change will help.�But, Facebook will also have to make the new local search capability more prominent and do a better job of reaching out to users to get them to engage with the tool.

Yet, Facebook is already one of the most used mobile apps for local search — the second after Google Maps — according to the�recent comScore-15 Miles-Neustar local search study. These findings are relatively surprising but directionally confirmed by a survey I conducted independently.

All this comes largely without Facebook promoting Nearby/Local Search. Imagine what could happen if Facebook really concentrated on making its local search experience competitive and invested heavily in promoting it.

Source: comScore

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