Today, marketers know that social media is no longer just another channel or standalone tactic for sharing content and listening to their community.
Social media can be a powerful medium that can add value to your business by increasing brand awareness, attracting more traffic to your website, refining insights about your target market, understanding your customer’s needs, identifying and connecting with key influencers – just to list a few.
Because there’s a wide range of benefits, social media can’t be a siloed program. Marketers must do social marketing, which means putting a plan in place to use social media as a channel to achieve marketing results.
To reap the benefits of social marketing, marketers need to integrate social into their existing marketing strategies and programs to build a marketing machine.
According to a recent McKinsey report, 63 percent of companies using social media say it has increased their marketing effectiveness.
Whether you’re just starting to invest in social marketing for your business or are looking to take social to the next level with advanced strategies and tactics, SES New York is featuring several sessions each day to share idea’s about how to help you accomplish just that – reach your marketing goals with social media.
As a busy marketer, you probably haven’t had a chance to look over the schedule yet. Here are my top picks you should check out if social media is on your radar.
First, grab your morning coffee and head to these social-focused keynotes:
Social TV: How Marketers Can Reach and Engage Audiences by Connecting Television to the Web, Social Media, and Mobile (Day 1)Optimizing Second Screen Engagement: Trends, Data and Insights (Day 2)Day 1 (March 26):
Building the B2B Social Media MachineMaximizing Twitter and Facebook Ads for Lead Gen, Engagement & ROI*Mining Your Search Keywords and Social Data for New Revenue OpportunitiesDay 2 (March 27):
4 Steps to Building an Integrated Online Marketing Campaign The New Inbox: The Intersection of Email, Mobile and Social Marketing Screw Link Building, it's Called Relationship BuildingDay 3 (March 28):
Social Media Meet ROI: The Secrets to Driving Social Commerce Creative Content Marketing: Winning Hearts, Minds and WalletsActivating the Social-Search DynamicFacebook Graph Search and its Impact on Reputation Management, Privacy, Local Search and More*Note: I’m speaking on this panel with Tal Baron from DataXu. If you want to learn how to integrate social ads into your marketing program, I hope you join our session! Fans, friends, and followers aren't leads. I’ll be presenting a step-by-step process for planning, setting up, executing, and reporting on Twitter Ad campaigns as well as offer ideas on how you can test specific elements to optimize your budget for lead generation and customer acquisition.
If you’re attending SES this week or just following the conference online, join the conversation by following the hashtag #SESNY and subscribe to this list of all the SES speakers.
Which sessions are you looking forward to at SES New York? What's on your social media marketing action list for this year?
If you’re publishing recaps of any of these sessions, post the link in and a comment below!
More Previews of What You Can Learn at SES New York 2013Building the B2B Social Media Machine: SES New York 2013 Sneak Preview #SESNYSecond Screen Engagement: Twitter VP @joell to Share Latest Trends #SESNYSEO Diagnostics: Proactive and Reactive DiplomacyHow Relationship Building Interlinks With SEOPaid Search Beyond Google: Social Media, Bing & Retargeting AdsThe Networking Guide to SES New York 2013 #SESNY
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