Does your business utilize Vine for micro-content creation? The nascent video social network may not seem like a business-friendly target for social marketing, but there are several opportunities for engagement and retention within it. We may be conditioned to use Instagram or YouTube to tell longer video stories, but Vine�s six-second limit forces marketers to truly be creative with their time.
What makes a good, business-centric Vine video? Spud Hilton, Martin Jones, Jon Skogmo, Josh Entman and Richard Spalding explained the key traits in an NMX panel session.
Emphasizing mobile social marketing first
Vine is inherently mobile � they may have recently added a Windows client, but its foundation stems from mobile devices. That itself presents a unique opportunity for brands. Spalding noted that content created on Vine is instantaneous, spontaneous, and quickly shareable. Add the connection with Twitter, and you have a large audience at the ready.
Long-form vs. short-form strategy
YouTube heralded the age of long-form video content, and brands have been adapting to create high-quality videos for the platform. Vine is bucking this trend, emphasizing short-form, quickly digestible content. Hilton noted that while you only have six seconds to make your point, Vine�s automatic looping function allows for exposure beyond those first six seconds.
Jones noted that Vine humanizes your brand, specifically because it isn�t high-quality or glossy. Content appears more spontaneous and authentic, and less forced.
Encouraging experimentation
The panel was adamant on Vine�s B2C capabilities, although they were less confident about the network�s viability with B2B companies. Still, Jones encouraged businesses to experiment with Vine�s publishing style, as it is still a good way to convey who you are as a brand in short-form. The medium defines the message regardless.
Don�t mind the quality
Many long-form online videos are expansive productions, shot in high-definition and littered with brand mentions in the endframe. You�ll get none of that with Vine � and that�s not necessarily a bad thing. The short timing and low quality forces brands to be creative � and in this business, creative content always triumphs over slick production.
However, there are still some best practices to follow with Vine videos � and they can help separate your Vines from the rest. Entman encouraged brands to use jump cuts during filming � taking one static six-second shot doesn�t help tell a story effectively.
Know the audience
As with many new social networks, Vine�s audience trends younger � these are the next generation of content creators. However, Jones noted that business owners can leverage Vine by targeting specific personas and building deeper relationships beyond a 140-character Tweet.
Re-target from other social networks
Vine isn�t alone in the social universe. The whole panel encouraged attendees to utilize Vine for retargeting � helping to establish an ongoing relationship with an advocate of your brand. Retarget followers with Vines, rather than banners. A six-second video carries far more power as a retargeting tool than a static web banner.
Unlike Twitter or Facebook, there aren�t many pitfalls with Vine content. While you may deal with a rogue tweet or an inappropriately timed status update, the only risk with Vine content is that no one will see it. That should just motivate you to keep trying — and let those six seconds tell a compelling story.
How do you think your business could utilize Vine? Do you view it as more of a B2C property, or is there some benefit for the B2B crowd?