CEMPER’s New Power*Trust & Daily Refreshed Trust & Power Metrics: What You Need to Know

�Link Research Tools�, probably the�most advanced SEO and link building tool, built by CEMPER.COM�scored again! With the new metrics CEMPER Trust� and CEMPER Power � they obsolete a lot of other link metrics you may know and still use. The new “Power*Trust keyword cloud� is again a whole new way to visualize backlinks and the Power*Trust metrics is said to become the only metric to base link decision on.

Google Penguin Asks for Better Links and Better Tools

With the recent Google Penguin update shaking SEOs around the world it became apparent that we need better tools to identify the link that we should let go and those that we should pursue. LRT (short for Link Research Tools) has been at the cutting edge so many times, and once again shows us new ways to do our SEO job better and faster.

They introduced no less than seven (7!) metrics to measure Trust and Power of a page, a sub-domain and the whole domain.

You can watch the video below from Christoph C. Cemper or just read on�

CEMPER Power� & CEMPER Trust�

They introduced no less than seven (7!) metrics to measure Trust and Power of a page, a sub-domain and top level domain. As you can see below, these metrics have color-bars that allow you to quickly get a feeling for every single links� quality. As usual these metrics can be sorted, cascade-sorted and of course filtered.

This means you can go in and find all those links with neither power nor trust (on the page level) and get rid of them. Obviously these are often links from public hosting platforms but embedded into content that has no value, not for users, not for SEOs.

CEMPER Power*Trust

The final fun is Power*Trust which is the product of both metrics Trust and Power (each numeric 0-10) yielding in a total strength metric going from 0 to 100 (in theory). Guess what � I had a hard time finding links stronger than 70 by power*trust.

It appears they found THE single metric to judge link quality on with this, as the diagram from the�Competitive Landscape Analyzer�(CLA), another of their tools in the toolkit, show. It compares ten losers of the Penguin Update (their link�s power*trust quality in green bars) with one Winner (in orange).

I think that picture says it all � Power*Trust measure what appears to be Winner�s link!

All of these 7 powerful metrics for Link Trust, Link Power and Link Power*Trust are available in�all (16 currently) tools of the LRT.

SEO Keyword-Cloud by Power*Trust

If that wouldn�t be enough, they also just launched what they call �Power*Trust Keyword Clouds�.

Think keyword-tag-cloud as you know it from blogrolls and add high tech SEO data to it � enter Power*Trust clouds.

That�s the difference between �wanting to rank� (keyword cloud picture one below) and �ranking� (keyword cloud picture two)

Keyword clouds as we know it � biggest number of links for a keyword drawn biggest� ouch.

Weighted by Power*Trust you see the strongest links don�t pass any anchor relevancy!

PageRank�, ACRank and SEOmoz MozRank obsolete metrics?

According to their release information, all of the above metrics are obsolete now and were removed or hidden in a �legacy� package for �nostalgic users�.

Quick Mode

Another great new feature that helps everyone is the option to�run all tools in �Quick Mode��which reduces the set of metrics from 77 to a dozen important ones, giving you execution time of only a few seconds compared to a couple minutes. That is a huge time saver!

Final Thoughts

Already voted�#5 in the best link building tools�a while ago, I think this change will help the Link Research Tools advance further up. We had some�previous reviews��of the Link Research Tools for several new�features like Link Velocity�and the famous�Quick Backlinks tool (QBL)�that you may also want to check out.

Oh � pretty cool understatement: in a byline they also mentioned � we also support analysis of Pinterest data for your links :-) This feature could have been a �major� release elsewhere.

If you haven�t seen or used the�Link Research Tools�before, it�s probably the best time to do so.

Let me know what you think about these changes in the comments below!

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