Learn More About Heat Pumps

Heat pumps can provide energy efficient methods of warming homes and businesses. These units extract energy from the atmosphere and transfer it into the interior ob buildings. While low temperatures outside require the units to work harder they remain an energy efficient method to warm the home and are far more efficient than resistance heating.

The pump uses an exchanger outside a home to gather warmth from the air. Refrigerant transports that heat inside to the boiler or geyser to warm the water. The warm water in turn is pumped through the radiators in a home to keep temperatures comfortable on the coldest of days.

When homeowners depend on heated water to warm the interior they will find this method of heating can lower energy bills. Electricity is not used to actually provide warmth, but to transfer it from the outside of a home to the inside.

Units work like air conditioning, only in reverse. With the air conditioning, the warmth that builds up in the home is removed and transferred to the outside, where it is released into the atmosphere. With these units the warmth that is in the air from the sun on the coldest of days is concentrated and brought inside one’s home to keep residents comfortable.

The energy that is concentrated from the air can be used for purposes other than controlling the temperature of the air. For example, units might be connected to a residential water heater to provide warm showers using a more energy efficient heat source. In industrial settings, the device could be used to provide energy to water baths.

In some locations, these units are used with forced air systems. A fan forces air through a second exchanger inside the house and through ducts into the rooms. These systems offer the advantage of both heating and cooling the air in the home and work well in areas of hot summers and cold winters.

It is important that systems be maintained regularly. The refrigerant level should be balanced to ensure proper transfer of energy to t! he home. Exterior units need to be kept clean and free of debris. Any vegetation that starts growing on or too close to the unit should be trimmed and removed.

Heat pumps offer an energy efficient method of heating buildings used for homes or businesses. They may be used with hot water or steam systems as well as forced air units. In addition, they can provide hot water for residential or commercial use.

Check out our website for complete details about the benefits and advantages of using heat pumps, now. You can also find information about a reliable supplier of Firefly heat pumps, today.

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